A Stimulating MasterpieceIn a lot of the developed world today, we hear a myth doing the rounds which says “the bible is boring, confusing, foolish and out of date”. A lot of people take this for granted and even inflate it further. If you sit down and actually read it, without making up your mind one way or the other before hand, you will discover quite the opposite. Below are some examples of how the bible is just as exhilarating and scandalous as anything you will find today, in fact more so in the culture of the time. Hover an image below to view a description, click or tap it to read more. A Narrow EscapeAbraham was about to kill his son when God Stepped in with an alternitive - Genesis 22 Head For The HillsPotiphar's Wife tried to have an affair with Joseph - Genesis 39 Samson With A JawboneSamson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of a donkey - Judges 15 The Big Face Off2 Bulls, 2 Stacks of wood and loads of water. Whoever answers with fire, He is God - 1 Kings 18 Christs Death PredictedChrist’s Death predicted 1000 years before it happened - Psalm 22, Isaiah 53 Dramatic Rescue3 Lads rescued from a Furnace - Daniel 3 The Lions DenDaniel is delivered from The Lions Den – Daniel 6 Resurrection of ChristProof for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead - 1 Corinthians 15 The Ultimate Love StoryThe Book Of Ruth, a story of love, devotion and redemption. It is set in the dark days of the judges in Israel. Battle Plan For JerichoAn Invasion with a Twist - Joshua 6 True LoveThe Love of Christ for The Church, What it looks like - 1st Corinthians 13 The Love TriangleIt consisted of Husband and Wife, Uriah, Bathsheba With King David. 2 Samuel 11 - 12:14 Beware of the Nagging Wife!Samson And Dililah - Judges 16 Judah And TamarThe First ever recorded battle of the in-laws - Genesis 38 Joy UnboundPaul and Silas Beaten & Imprisoned - Acts 16 David Spares Sauls LifeSaul in a cave, on the loo doing a number 2! David and His men behind him, No wonder they whisper Kill Him - 1 Samuel 24! GideonRead how God Transforms a former coward into a "Mighty Man of Valour" and in the process delivers Israel out of her own mess - Judges 6 - 8 The Hall of FaithSee how people of the old testament sought a Heavenly country, The New city, whose builder and Maker is God - Hebrews 11 Jacob Defrauds EsauJacob Pulls the rug out from under his older brother, Esau with the help of their mother Rebekah - Genesis 27 Nebuchadnezzar’s DreamRead how the most powerful man of the time was humbled - Daniel 4 Baby in JeopardyMoses Behind Enemy Lines, his mother was paid to take care of him - Exodus 1:8 – 22 & 2:1 – 10